Show on start form: Checking this option will allow users to specify a value for the workflow variable when the workflow is first started.
Default value: The default value given to the workflow variable when the variable is used within the workflow.
Type: The data type of the workflow variable.
Name: The name of the workflow variable.
The Create Workflow Variable dialog will be displayed.
In the Workflow Variables Ribbon, click on New.
The Workflow Variables dialog will be displayed listing all of the current variables that are configured with their type and if the workflow variable is used at the start of the workflow as indicated in the Show on start form column.
In the Nintex Workflow Designer, below the Workflow Settings in the Ribbon, expand the available options by clicking.
In the Workflow Settings dialog, within the Ribbon, click on Variables.
In the Nintex Workflow Designer Ribbon, click on Workflow Settings.
To create or delete a variable attached to a workflow: To provide the means and flexibility to handle these kinds of scenarios Nintex Workflow provides workflow variables. It is not always appropriate or possible to store some of these values as meta data of the item attached to the workflow. Therefore the calendar event needs to be deleted. a new report requires that a meeting is organised, but during the workflow an administrator has rejected the report.
A workflow may require the creation of another list item that will need to be queried later using a lookup or deleted automatically depending on further logic in a workflow.
a URL to be used in an email may be different for each environment, this can be sourced at runtime from a configuration list within each environment using the Set a variable action. To avoid using hard coded values in the workflow that must be manually updated during deployment, workflow variables can be used to load values from other lists via Using lookups.
Workflows developed in a development environment for deployment to testing and then subsequently deployed to production environments.
For example, these values can be set using the Math operation or Build Dynamic String actions.
The workflow requires a value for conditional actions which is a combination of values that exist already in the system.