Verbose mission description at the beginning of each (Type, Location, Current Infestation Level). Technician (SCV) can build CC for Nuke/Scanner Addons, Photon Cannons, and additional reinforcements. Access to a remote location may be required for a certain upgrade and unit. High-end protoss units, with upgrades, available, including a special surprise dubbed the "Archon Bomb". Purchasing system for Medics (Medkits), Combat Armor, and Extra Respawns (Gas). Three unit classes with full upgrades available, including Damage/Defense, Techs, and additional health (Combat Armor). Three "global" mission types (Attack, Escort, Garrison). The computer player also generates some resources for the players and holds a safe area around the hospital. Missions award points based on difficulty and method of completion.Ī computer force assists with missions, sometimes being fully capable of completing them alone, but only players have the capability to take it all the way. The zombie infestation builds steadily, and must be culled to press onward.Ī percentage of points is shared with teammates and converted to minerals. Three global missions, thirteen special missions, and sixteen locations.Īn expansive, free roaming, never-the-same-twice assault on the Zombie hordes.Īll missions and their locations are rolled randomly. WARNING: Only playable Multiplayer or LAN mode and at Fastest game speed, due to viewlocking (centers mouse in single-player) and music timing method. I officially can't add anything more to it. Most importantly: I've run out of placeable locations. The game can be beaten solo with prudence and Xanatos-like planning. More players makes the core gameplay harder but the end boss easier and vice versa. Everything works, it's as balanced as it will ever be. ~ Finally pinned down every insufferable glitch, hitch, lag, frag, and splag that drove me crazy about this map.

(Lite version with music removed in Other Versions.)